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Nathan S - #342

Nathan S - #342
My Comia About Moi (ithink thats how you spell st) 3428 OK RORY, i'll CATCH you LATER WAS ABOut THAT BAND the MISFITS. Pretty DvMB Really. well NON ill CONtINue With the Boy/Tiny DINO - SAUR STORY) . Jokes AT The top AND WAS WCARI DiFFORENT hi, its me . waNNA hear Somerhing CRAPPY? STUFF yesrera, MAKE my FINAI STROKE AND, BAM! comPUteR CRASH. ok, So yesterDAY I MADE A COmic. AND Right wheN i FINished it, well i WAS MAKING One OF Those DumB... So THAT COmic is lost to The Ages. soRRY, i KNow Youre SAD AND yes, ikNow THAT i ShoulD SAVE my WORK OFTEN ANY WAY ILL qiveyOu A GliMPse OF it... RAR

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