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Nathan S - #381

Nathan S - #381
My Comis Aboue bRaiNStormilg with inoiANA JONes #381 BRAINSTORM Comin'! So whADAYA SAY İNDY, ANY Relics IN PARTICULAR we Shoulp AFTER? hmm CANt ThiNK OF ANY OFF the TOP OF My well, you ALIREADY FOUND'The ARK of the CONENANT AND The holy GRAIL you Feel like Sticking to Religious StufF? ihis yep, DUDe, You INVITED me oN ADVENTURE why ShRouD OF TURIN? AllreADy FOUND OR you WANNA Uke, BRANCH out? heAD. oh. DONT You Pick well i quess i CONSUlt The lINtERNet theN Relic.

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