tashas travel journal pt. 6 by: tasha after that we wenton this awesome ride aroond the island where the y drag you in back of a boat, snorkeling. they cau it a at night they had the traditiond fijian kava ceremony where everyore e drank some sat in a circle kava from Dthis big bowl. i tried a small Cup Gell "low tide". it tasted like dirty water that mater yor tongue feel humb. i wasn't that into it. but it was interesting. "Skulldrag! they 'which they call also serve a very potent drik by that, name in the bar. Chaven't tried it, too expeasive) suppasedly if drink a lot off kava you have Crazy dreams, but i think dreams you the skull dray reminded me of the s ubmarine ride at Disney land. the weather was MUCH nicerout today: barely any douds or wind. My are crazy enough alrealy,