DOUBLE FINE ACTION COMICS SPecial anniversary edition. uyunnnngh... wha! what the! where the hell! we're in a cage, bro. oh, damn, what? how'd we getin a cage, Muscleman? i don't Клом, bro. i know exactly who, UNCLE BLACK KniaHT! didn't docrap. righthere, captain. oh, thank god. Hey! idiot nephew, Shut it. it was probably John Hancock. He was always jealous of my pen, ATL thompson! I'm here, foo, who pot us, in this cage? what? far from Jealous, Adams. Cousin, so far this is the best trip ever, маn, what the he ck. two headed Baby hold it. two headed baby looks different Somehow. oh, dangit. wait, i kaow who it was, CousiN frederici why?! why two headal Baby?? wait. Some oge's watching us. ring ring.: riing! ring ringing! ring ring.: riming! ring ring. rilり you