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Episode 10 - Asif Joins the Team, Plus E3 plans

Salutations Psychobackers!

We trust you’ve been keeping well since last we spoke! We've been very well here , neck deep in all kinds of shows like GDC and PAX East, but also very busy recording voice actors, polishing scripts, directing cutscenes, tweaking combat, arting up white-boxes, and all the other fun game development stuff we’re known for doing.

The team has been especially focussed of late though, all working together to put an extra layer of sheen to one specific area of the game. That’s because the imposing silhouette of E3 is looming on the horizon, with one giant hand extended in the air awaiting a momentous high five, and who are we to leave it hanging?

With our arms poised and palms prepared for impact, we’re excited to say that we’ll be taking Psychonauts 2 down to E3 in Los Angeles next month, where we’ll show a segment of gameplay for the very first time! The show is only a few weeks away now, in the second week of June, so that’s coming up on us reallll fast! That’s exciting, and a little bit nerve wracking in all honesty, but the demo we’ve been preparing to show is something we’re really proud of, and every day it gets new details that make it even better. We’re definitely very excited to share it with you, and the world!

We’ll update you with info on where you can see what we’ve been working on either online on streams, or in person if you are going to be at the show -- so stay tuned! The one thing we do know for sure is that Jack Black will be joining Tim on stage at the E3 Coliseum once again, to chat about his involvement in the game.

There was a strong temptation to make E3 into our next project update for you all, but although it really is close now, it still felt like we’d be silent for a bit too long if we waited. Handily though we have an inspiring team related tale to tell, and this feels like the perfect time to do so.

This latest update from 2 Player Productions features one of their own, and the newest member of our design team - Asif Siddiky.

Rewards update!

A little while back we shipped out Raz figurines, and were then inundated with pictures of him communicating psychically with cats, dogs, hamsters, and other exotic pets. We loved every second of it, thank you!

Fangamer tell us there are still more than 600 of you who haven’t filled in the survey to get your figurine, or shirts! If you backed at $100 or above, then please check your mail for a survey from Fangamer, or email to let them know where to send yours to!

We still have a few more rewards to fulfil, and some of the more unique items are still in the prototype stage. Two of our addon items have gone into manufacturing though, including this emotional baggage luggage tag - look how great it is!

This and the Viewmaster (pics of that incoming soon!) will end up being available for sale in our store once we have put aside enough for you fine backers, and that will hopefully be soon, so keep your eyes peeled for those!

The Psychonauts: The Wallpaper

Dave “Rusty” Russell has worked here since the beginning of time; he made the character models for the main cast back on the first game, and so naturally he has brought them all back to life for the new game, albeit in much higher detail and in their fancy new outfits! He put together some renders of them for us, and composed them into a scene and we thought you might enjoy using it as a desktop wallpaper or similar. Look how fab they all are <3

One more thing, and it's RAD!

Before we go, if you didn't already see it then check out the trailer for our recently announced game - RAD!

Lee Petty of Stacking and Headlander fame is at the helm, guiding a small team here at Double Fine to create a post-post-apocalyptic roguelike. It's headed to PC, PS4, Xbox and Switch on August 20th!

OK that's all for now, see you at E3 folks!

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