Dispatches from Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp
Greetings once again Psychobackers!
In the last big update we talked about our summer camp adventures, and you may have even read about them in this Polygon article. You'll be thoroughly unsurprised to learn that 2 Player Productions were with us the whole time filming everything, and have put together a Minisode all about the camp trip as a little bonus update before our next proper update.
We had a blast at camp, it was a much needed moment of zen, a chance for us to take a break from the busy normality of city life and spend some time together in the redwoods just outside Santa Cruz. It was wonderful to be able to spend that time with some of our backers and fans too - some of whom backed at our highest tier, and others who were lucky enough to win our sweepstakes.
We only wish you all could have been there with us, even though that would have turned the serene atmosphere of the forest into something a little more lively, but it would certainly have been a whole lotta fun!
At least with this video you can sing camp songs along with us from the comfort of your own home, and enjoy the briefest glimpse of Tim's daughter Lili playing her namesake at live table read.
You can expect to hear more from us and see more of Psychonauts 2 before the end of the year! We've made some really exciting progress and can't wait to share more with you. We’ll also share progress on all the other rewards too - It seems like quite a few of you have been receiving your backer shirts and prints though, and we've really enjoyed seeing pictures of those so keep sending them in!
Until next time folks!
Oh one more thing! It's often a good idea to look to twitter for some fun little updates ;)