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Tim Schafer Tim

Two things, possibly related:

Firstly, someone told me they bought the December issue of CGW and didnā€™t find anything on the Excellent Game Psychonauts in there. Itā€™s possible they are lying. Or someone else is. Maybe me. Hard to tell, but I do love to lie. We have special operatives researching this matter right now. Sit tight.

Second thing: I once had the theme song to WKRP in Cincinnati stuck in my head for FIVE YEARS. I am not kidding. Every time there was a silence, whenever I was trying to go to sleep, whenever I was alone in my car, I heard it. And Iā€™m not talking about the cool end credits. Iā€™m talking, ā€œBaby, if you ever wonderedā€¦ wondered whatever became of meā€¦ā€ So donā€™t tell me about your problems, buddy.

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