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Tim Schafer Tim

An image from the Double Fine archive.

An image from the Double Fine archive.

In fact, I command it to be so. You are now man and wife. Nathan, meet Amanda. Amanda, this is Nathan, your new husband. You are both very much in love and you don't even know it. You live in different states, and there might be age difference, but I can't tell; you both look 10 years old to me!

Even though you are strangers, you both dressed up as Raz for Halloween, and so you already have more in common than 93% of married couples. Oh, god, I get teary with joy just thinking of the happy years ahead for you two!

May your love soar across the astral plane and engage in psychic warfare with the blah blah blah all that stuff from the game blah love blah.
Okay, here is a....

FREE Match-'Em-Up Puzzle!

Can you identify which outstanding, hand-made prop goes with which outstanding Psychofan?

An image from the Double Fine archive.

An image from the Double Fine archive.

Hint: I trickily reversed them. Beware.

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